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Psychology you should know: Save the best for last or enjoy it while you can?

How the order of what you eat can say a little and a lot about who you are

Jin Cheong, PhD
3 min readJan 12, 2024


Imagine having dinner at your favorite sushi bar. You get your sushi plate with the pieces you love as well as a few you don’t quite mind eating. Which do you eat first?

There might be roughly two types of people in this world: the hedonists and the savorists.

If you eat your favorite one first, you might be called a “hedonist”. Hedonists indulge in opportunities to enjoy the objects and experiences while they can.

If you’d rather save your favorite one for last, you might be a “savorist”. You enjoy looking forward to the climax of the meal.

So who are these people and how do they differ? A group of researchers in Korea ran an experiment to see who eats what first and how people fall into these two cateogories.

The researchers invited students to participate in a sushi-eating experiment. The students selected 7 pieces of sushi from a larger plate and wrote how much they preferred each one. Researchers then secretly recorded the order in which the sushi were consumed by the participants.



Jin Cheong, PhD

Human behavior & machine learning enthusiast || Cognitive Neuroscience PhD turned data nerd ||